Friday, 2 March 2012

Our Relationships

Life is all about having relationships. I believe that there are three relationships that are the most important in our lives; 

  1.  The relationship that we have with ourself
  2. The relationship that we have with our partner or spouse
  3. The relationship that we have with our children.
The relationship that we have with ourself is important for if we do not love and care for ourselves we can not truly love and care for others.

Duck Family/Hilary Thompson
The relationship that we have with our partner or spouse often becomes neglected with the pressures of work and or parenting. However, to keep it alive and healthy, it needs to be nurtured and respected. 

It is important for couples to have "me" time, to have some romance in their lives. Couples need to keep open the channels of communication, to be able to understand each other and to support each other. To be Best Friends.

The relationships that parents have with their children is different again. Parents  are the most influential people in their children's lives and as  such are their primary role models. They learn their relationship skills from their parents. 

A Couple of Ducks / Hilary Thompson
Do you want a fulfilling relationship with your partner? If you are a parent, do you want to teach your children how to have good relationships with themselves and others? You answer "yes"? Then it is important to remember to nurture your relationship with your self and your partner. It will always be a work in progress, but well worth it.      

Hilary Thompson
The Out and About Therapist
Facilitator at Flourishing Relationships Retreats

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